Thursday, May 21, 2009

If I Look Like I've Gained Weight....

It's because I ate a bug!! YUCK!!! It's not the first. Can you run with your mouth closed??? I certainly can't which means eventually I'm gonna get to eat a few bugs. I guess this is one of the first lovely experiences of running outside instead of in the nice gym which is bug free...well except for a few that make my skin crawl...oh you know what I mean.

Today I went to the track and ran three miles then ran up and down the bleachers. It was a lil hard after the run but it felt good when I finished. I also did a small workout of high knees and butt kicks. Ummm I'm sure I looked really goofy but it was great and boy did it ever give my legs a workout!

Still LOVING my new running shoes! Well one more day of work and LONG weekend ahead. I sure hope to at least get a little sun!!

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