Monday, May 18, 2009

What A Difference.....

....proper running shoes make!!! I have struggled since February with lots of pain and soreness in my legs. I have been to the doctor, made sure I did some stretching, tried not running every day and a mixture of other things, none of which have worked. It's been a struggle to build up my mileage and pace. Well last week I went to a great store called Front Runner Athletics and they helped me find the proper running shoe. I can't believe how different my legs feel. I was certain that running was never gonna get any easier. I am even amazed that I can go farther without feeling like I'm about to collapse. It's SO great. Now I'm excited that maybe I can begin to run more miles, make less stops and run a little faster!

I want to share a song with you that we did on Sunday. It's an amazing song!! Just look below in the next post!

1 comment:

RunToTheFinish said...

isn't it crazy to find out that shoes really matter?!! I went years saying I wouldn't pay for those expensive things and now they last longer and my whole body feels better