Monday, April 13, 2009

Weekend Fun

I had a great time Saturday just being with my most special friend and going to my favorite place. We had a great time just walking, talking and eating some Clumpy's Ice Cream. I guess my love language would be someone that spends time with me and is genuinely interested in me and my life. I'm pretty low maintenance but one thing I refuse to give into is being some one's casual friend. I think the most precious gift you can give is your time, quality time.

I didn't run Saturday because I had a terrible headache but the walking was great and was very relaxing. However I did get a fairly good run on Sunday. It was nice and cool and my legs felt pretty good. I did 3 miles and when finishing my 3 miles I stopped by and visited with my sister-in-law and then had to run 1.5 back home. I got a total of 4.5 miles in and it felt great. I still can't seem to up my speed much but I've just decided to just keep on trying a little faster each time and hopefully the speed will come.

Gratitude Journal

1. I'm grateful for a friend that gives me their time and love.
2. I'm grateful for long walks and great talks.
3. I'm grateful for excellent ice cream. :)
4. I'm grateful for legs that can run.
5. I'm grateful for relaxing weekends.

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