Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Switch

After a few days of warm weather I'm thinking I need to switch to morning runs. Problem is I LIKE my sleep but I also HATE running when its hot and evening will definitely start being a lot warmer. I like the idea of getting it done in the morning which frees up the afternoons for getting all those summer tasks done. Now if I can just get my mind and body geared to get up and get going....early!

I did a little speed work Saturday and was very excited about it but was VERY tired when I finished. I will have to start putting that into the workout mix. I have also tried putting pilates in my workout mix but have fallen way short at being consistent. I REALLY REALLY need to get consistent with the pilates because I need the flexibility. I have neck and shoulder problems and my hips seem to be really tight at times when I run and I know that the stretching would really help all those areas.

I'm so thankful spring is here and I can sit on my porch!!!


RunToTheFinish said...

So true about morning running... I was doing it all the time and then I got hurt... now I'm struggling to get back at it. But I know if I just decide to do it consistently here in the next month when it finally stops raining!!! It will become a habit again

Terri said...

I hear you about being consistent. But we have to whip our flesh into action.