Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bloggers Block

I've tried several times over the last week to blog about something but somehow I just draw a blank. I would say I have writer's block but that would mean I actually have some writing skills, which I don't. Although I think it would be the greatest thing to write a book. If I could just come up with a title and words to put in it. Hmmmm....

This month has been good. I had a great birthday and got to spend time with family and friends and even got some neat gifts. Like this. To say I'm excited about it is an understatement. You would think I'm some ultra-marathoner but I'm just an average runner, might even say below average. Anyway I'm pumped and trying to up the running miles and the speed.

Well I'm all blocked up again so for now that's all I have.

1 comment:

Brett said...

How cool, wish they did something like that for my walkman.